Persian Jazz ?!

The story began when I decided to be a jazz messenger and I realized that to capture people’s intellectual attention you have to first catch them aesthetically and let them simply enjoy and hopefully make memories with some jazz classic songs and gradually start to figure the message out.

But to do so, I had to interpret both music and the lyrics to the songs. So musically, I have created a mixture of conventional jazz styles along with Iranian melodic and rhythmic figures. My main objective was to produce unique derivative versions of the songs and always improvise spontaneously even in the recording process.

Yet, above all that goes on instrumentally, what mattered the most to me, was to best convey the enlightening meanings of the lyrics by choosing the most proper words to better fit in the host culture and the target language (Persian) in a way that they can still be sung along with the original melodies!

It has been truly challenging! But it definitely was worth it. Because jazz has now taken wings to fly above Persian-speakers all around the world and encourage them to be free, tolerant and strong as is jazz.